Create New Account

In SalesShaper, you can create lead or customer accounts. With the accounts you can keep a record on your customer’s contacts or start managing your deals and actions with the respective accounts.

To create a new account in SalesShaper:

  1. Click Accounts from the menu panel.
  2. Then, click the CREATE button.

  3. On ‘Create new account’, enter the new account name into the given field.
  4. Click on the radio button to create the account as a "Lead" or "Customer".
  5. Click NEXT to confirm the account name.
  6. On the next step, the system will list the existing accounts with names that are similar to the one entered on previous step. If there is no exact match, you may proceed by tapping CONFIRM.
  7. On the next step, enter the account details in the fields provided.
  8. When you reach the Contacts section, click the icon, and you'll see a pop-up box such as the image below. Fill in the name, title, phone, mobile and email address of the contact and click OK.

    Note that you must add at least one contact for any account.
  9. Next, select how the lead is acquired from the "Lead acquired from" selection field, and the source from the "Source" selection field.
  10. Lastly, enter the background information of the account into the "Customer Background" field.
  11. Once you have entered all necessary details, click SAVE to create the account.

Next Topic: Edit Account ⋙

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