What are New and Existing Customers?

In SalesShaper, you will see the term New Customers and Existing Customers quite frequently. The following sections briefly explains the difference between these two terms.


New Customers

New Customers are accounts that have recently converted from Lead to Customer.

Whether a customer account is considered a new customer is greatly dependent on the time frame selected. For example, accountA was converted to customer in June 2017, so accountA is considered as a new customer in June 2017. When you filter the account list by New Customers in June 2017, you’ll see accountA in the list; however, if you change the time frame to July 2017, you’ll see accountA as an existing customers.


Existing Customers

Existing Customers are accounts that are already taking the Customer type during the time frame you select. For instance, accountB was converted to customer in August 2017, so you’ll see it in the list of Existing Customers in September 2017 and beyond.


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