Types of Users in SalesShaper

There are three type of users in SalesShaper.


Sales Manager

Sales Manager is the manager and administrator who can access all features and permissions in an SalesShaper environment, such as viewing all sales person’s actions and accessing certain reports that are not made visible to normal sales persons.

By default, the person who first signed up for an SalesShaper account will be granted the manager level.


Sales Representative or Sales Person

Sales Representative is the normal user who can access to the general sales features to perform daily sales activities.

To create a user with Sales Representative role, simply select "Sales Rep" as the User Type when creating a new user.


Assistant Sales Manager

Assistant Sales Manager is the sub-administrator assigned by the Sales Manager, and has similar privilege as the Sales Manager. You can assign your finance or accounts team with this supporting role to assist the overall sales operations (such as preparing invoices).

To create a user with Assistant Sales Manager role, select “Assistant Sales Manager” as the User Type when creating a new user.

Next Topic: Create New User ⋙

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