Create New User

In SalesShaper, a Sales Manager or an Assistant Sales Manager can create new users and set their sales and key activities target. To do so:

  1. On SalesShaper web portal, click on Users from the menu panel.
  2. Then, click on the button.
  3. On the first step, enter the user's first name, last name, mobile number, email address and password.
  4. Select "Sales Rep" as the User Type if you are creating an account for a sales rep.
    Otherwise, select "Assistant Sales Manager".
  5. Click NEXT to continue.
  6. On 'Set sales target', enter the sales target amount that you wish the new user to invoice for his or her new customers and existing customers, from January to December of current year into the given fields.
  7. Then, click NEXT to continue.
  8. On 'Set key activities target', enter the lead generation, appointments, visits, quotations and follow-ups target that you wish your user to achieve from January to December of the current year.
    You can navigate between different months by tapping on the month tabs.
  9. Once you have updated all values, click NEXT, and your user will be created.

Next Topic: Manage Users ⋙

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